Friday, December 2, 2016


" In some situations, as when competition is weak or demand exceeds supply, a production-oriented firm can survive and even prosper. More often, however, firms that succeed in competitive markets have a clear understanding that they must first determine what customers want and then produce it, rather than focus on what company management thinks should be produced and hope that the product is something customers want." MKTG Page 4
Our product is a simple circular piece of chocolate, and it's plain, no fun colors, or flavors yet. We package it in clear bags, and tie it up with a tie with our label hanging from it. Very simple, and easy. But we want it to be eye catching so we add like a little paw print, to let them know that it is pet friendly, but also on the back of the tag it will say "Pet friendly."
"The two orientations can be compared in terms of five characteristics: the organization's focus, the firm's business, those to whom the product is directed, the firm's primary goal, and the tools used to achieve the organization's goals." MKTG Page 6

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