Friday, December 2, 2016

Situation // Analysis

"Performing a SWOT analysis allows firms to identify their competitive advantage. A competitive advantage is a set of unique features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as significant and superior to those of the competition." MKTG Page 23 Our strengths are that we communicate and deliver to our customers on a regular basis. One of the main weaknesses I would say our company has is we aren't well known so getting our name out there and getting returning customers would be the hard part. The opportunities we have are endless with having a website, or setting up various social media accounts to help get our name out there. Our main threats would be other chocolate companies trying to make a similar product, or even pet treats companies as well.
"When examining internal strengths and weaknesses, the marketing manager should focus on organizational resources such as production costs, marketing skills, financial resources, company or brand image, employee capabilities, and available technology." MKTG Page 22

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